Leader de Ponent
Projecte subvencionat convocatòria 2019:
“Millora del sistema d’obtenció de rendiments de la cooperativa”.
La inversió realitzada ha estat la compra d’un espectòmetre per poder mesurar el contingut total de grassa i humitat de l’oliva just en el moment de la seva recepció i determinar la qualitat del producte final aportat pel soci.
The Cooperative
The cooperative of Els Torms was founded in 1951, thanks to the concerns of a series of farmers in the village of Els Torms, who seeing how they did not take advantage of their harvest, decided, in an act of courage, to buy a mill of oil that was in the village, and manage the production themselves.
Thanks to this effort that has been maintained from generation to generation, we have decided to go one step further and bring to market L’Olier, the oil of the our Cooperative.